“Christian Life Coaching is the art and practice of guiding a person from where they are toward the discovery of God’s vision for their life, and helping them learn to live accordingly. It is the collaborative process of determining direction and designing strategies to creatively move toward a passionately desired destination." 
- Jim Case


"Each morning ask, What is it I wish to do with this day? Then ask, 100 years from now, what is it I wish I had done with this day? Do the latter.”  
- Jim Case
Act with courage and creativity by faith together in your domain

As we strategically plan how to move toward our God-given dreams with Holy Spirit, we fully recognize the unpredictability and confusion of life. Life is dangerous, with failure and suffering part of its tapestry. And yet, the outcome of history (His-Story) and my story within the larger scope of things is triumphantly assured (Romans 8:38-39). This being true, we are free to play with our lives, determined to move forward with confident humility, finding and fulfilling the great purposes of our lives. As expressed in the stirring words of Susan Ashton…”You go whistling in the dark, making light of it, making light of it… and I follow with my heart laughing all the way!”.
We must step into and act obediently toward the vision our Lord has given us. All else that went before goes for naught unless we faithfully act, as a friend phrased it ‘moving backwards into the future’. We are moving in a definitive direction toward a distinct destination, unaware of the path ahead, but knowing the One who guides our footsteps. As we move with determination, we dare not travel alone, but in step with the visions of others. This allows us to complement and complete the visions of those we are in proximity with in community while finding our own immediate vision fulfillment there as well. Our vision is always intricately connected with the context He has placed us in.

Learning to actually do what you have envisioned and strategized brings about what was born out of a deep desire to know the Lover of your soul and reciprocate His love in a fallen and desperate world hungering for what only He could offer.  You will be free to express yourself in new ways and experiment with new things.  You won’t be afraid to try and fail; instead you will play with life and learn, give, and grow in the adventure ahead. You will have fewer failed resolutions and good intentions and far more realized goals and measurable achievement.  You will see results from your invested resources (time, money, and energy). You will have a guide and traveling partner who knows you, believes in you, and consistently considers how to ‘spur you on to love and good works’ (Hebrews 10:24) and will not let your vision die whatever the setbacks or obstacles.
Now that you know these things; you will be blessed if you do them.  John 13:17
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with
whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Matthew 6:33 (The Message)
“Almighty God has promised you forgiveness for your repentance.  But he has not promised you tomorrow for your procrastination.”- Augustine

Are you living a courageous life forward toward dreams you know fit who God made you to be? What concrete expressions of your obedient action can you name? How are they being done with others with whom you are linked in community for the benefit of those who are your ‘neighbors’ (anyone who is near you with regularity)?
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