“Christian Life Coaching is the art and practice of guiding a person from where they are toward the discovery of God’s vision for their life, and helping them learn to live accordingly. It is the collaborative process of determining direction and designing strategies to creatively move toward a passionately desired destination." 
- Jim Case


“Romans 8:32 argues conclusively that since God gave each of us His only Son, how could we not be confident that He will also give us every other good thing! Since He gave us His BEST, He will certainly give us the REST!” - Jim Case
Experience Kingdom community, contribution and collaboration

Each of our destiny is the same–to know Him until we are just like Him, when all things are made perfect and restored. We won’t lose our uniqueness, but will realize it fully being made one with Father, Son and Spirit along with all His redeemed family. Until then, we get the awesome privilege of letting Holy Spirit live Jesus’ life through us to reveal our Father in all His wonder! This is the ultimate purpose wrapped up in the ultimate relationship- the hope of the world–our destiny. Whatever we sacrifice, however much we lose, whatever responses we receive from others become of no account to us as we live fully into who He created us and redeemed us to be in a community of disciples, contributing to an eternal cause, collaborating with the entire body of Christ in our spheres of influence.
Knowing both your guaranteed destiny and redeemed identity provides a compass that releases and guides you to live fully, creatively, imaginatively and boldly in the ‘in-between’.  Everything is under His authority and only touches your life as His customized expression of love’s best for and through you!  You will experience an increasingly undisturbed tranquility inside that replaces the emotional volatility (anger, worry, depression) of a life dependent on external circumstances.  You will become solid and stable, as the wonder of your life is built upon the Rock, Christ Jesus. You have every right to destine to live courageously without reservation! 
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are! Dear friends, now we are the children of God,
and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him,
for we shall see Him as He is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as He is pure.I John 3:1-3
"To be a witness means not to blend in, which happens so imperceptibly that we often aren't even aware - but in being a living mystery...
to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist". - Cardinal Suhard

Are you assured of your final destiny as an established fact to come? Are you living full-out toward it, without fear, manifesting His irresistible, indomitable presence? Does the way you live your life increasingly make no sense apart from God’s existence?
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