Scripture makes clear that real abundant life comes from knowing God (Father, Son & Spirit), enjoying and honoring Him alone, finding joy, hope and purpose in Him. All too often we acknowledge God, but subtly operate as though we can make life work through our own efforts. We don’t value God for Himself but for what He can help us do, become or avoid. Jesus revealed it isn’t wrong to deeply want our way; its only wrong when we want a better life for ourselves more than we want to enjoy relationship with Him.
Drawing near to God is our privilege because of the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross. This is the good news of the Gospel! As we desire Him above all else, and trust, obey, and look for him in all circumstances, we become free from the pressure to ‘make our lives work’. We are free to give our best to all things we put our hands to (Colossians 3:23) but remain receptive to God’s outcomes since we are assured of His presence, promises, protection & power on our behalf!
"To be a witness means not to blend in, which happens so imperceptibly that we often aren't even aware - but in being a living mystery... to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist". - Cardinal Suhard
Do you desire other things above knowing Him? Are you tired of trying to manage life for your own ends? Do you want to experience the freedom and joy of walking with Him in intimate and abiding relationship?